Best Drama Teacher Ever

Created by Debbie 8 years ago
I have just found out about the unbelievably sad passing of Sally Hitchcock purely by chance. She was my drama teach at Bishop Reindorp and, as a massive drama queen myself, she was one of my favourites... and one of the teachers who stuck in my memory the longest and who encouraged me to keep going with my drama. I will never forget "Blitz" which she directed. As a younger cast member she made a 6th former cart me across the stage in a fireman's lift. Happy days!

I went to see her in Beauty and the Beast and my lasting image of her is dancing around stage as an egg timer!! I am sure she won't mind that this is how she will now be immortalised in my memory!!!!

I just saw the poster for a show with her name on "in memory" and it came as an enormous shock. Too young and too full of energy it is so, so sad.

All I will say is that I will most definitely be attending the show in March, in Woking. I am also going to get a number of my old school friends on board to come along, and pay tribute. It is the absolutely the best way she could be remembered and I hope the auditorium sells out. Woking Hospice is a superb cause to raise money for - it is one of the warmest, kindest places on Earth and I know Sally would have been brilliantly looked after. Rest in Peace "Miss Hitchcock" and thank you for those years of teaching and fun in the drama studio.